Thursday, July 31, 2014


The sun sets at around 11:00 pm.  The A frame looks out over the fjord.  Lots of bushes and trees were grown around the property to break the strong winds.

Next door there are two modern style houses.  Both have sod roofs.

Photographers call dusk the magic hour.  In Iceland the magic hour lasts a long time as the sun seems to hover below the horizon.  This stunning view from the deck shows the small island in the fjord and the distant mountains with clouds rolling down their face.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Driving Around the Fjord, Hvalfjordur

The roads are well kept; there are no pot holes to slow us down.  Hvalfjordur means "whale fjord"; it was used as a naval base for the USA and Britain in WWII.  Driving up North West was an adventure with stunning views.  The next town on the agenda was Akranes, where there is a light house.

We found a church on the edge of a cliff; 80% of Icelanders are Lutheran.  The Evangelical Lutheran Church, the national church, is endowed by the state, but there is complete freedom for all faiths, without discrimination.

The three horses were so friendly; they pranced right up to the camera in a conga line.
It was a surprise to see Mr. Ed and an art gallery in a lighthouse!

 Akranes, the town where this lighthouse stands, was originally founded by Norse brothers from Ireland in the 9th century.  Today the smell of fish is overpoweringly strong near the lighthouse.  Fish, cement and aluminum are the main sources of employment.  The lighthouse was recently opened as a gallery!  It was like a tiny Guggenheim.  The stairs to the top were not difficult to climb.

Beautiful Gray Days

Even on cloudy days the landscape is stunning. 

The rental 4 wheel drive parks between the A-frame house and wood fired sauna.  It was recommended to fire up the sauna before going for a swim.


 The water is cold and salty on the fjord.  A brave teenager next door took a plunge at the end of the day.  He was back out in about a minute!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Vacation 2014

The first day walking down to the shore was awesome.  The house sits on the banks of a fjord: Hvalfjordur, about a 45 min. drive north of Reykjavik.