Friday, August 9, 2013

Einar Johnson, 1874-1954, Iceland's most famous sculptor

Right next to the Lutheran Cathedral we toured the sculpture garden of the Einar Johnson Museum.  The Museum interior was closed that day but the grounds were open and they were breathtaking. This is some of the most inspiring sculpture I have ever seen!
     The  format of two different sizes of figures is very poetic.  This is called "Earth".

The grounds were beautiful.  The Art Deco museum building is in the background.

                        "Sleep" also has two sizes of figures.  This looks like a very difficult yoga pose!

One of our favorites.

                                                                           "Protection", 1912-1934 

"Thor Wrestling With Age", 1939

                            There is something profoundly serious about this macabre and grotesque piece.
In Icelandic Norse mythology, Thor uses a mountain crushing hammer and conquers many monstrous foes.

Elinar Johnson in his studio.

Johnson's art work hints at mystical worlds based on Norse mythology, Christianity, and Icelandic folk tales. There are elfs, angels, and trolls.  The men and women are classically portrayed.  Elinar Johnson studied Art in Denmark and in Rome.

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